Tel Aviv’s Premier Dentistry and Orthodontics Clinic

Types of Dentures Explained and What is Best For You

Types of denture

If you have missing teeth or weak teeth, it might feel like the end of the world, but solutions are available. Missing teeth have many other implications beyond just a hole in a patient’s smile. Surrounding teeth can shift, creating new crevices for plaque to hide in. This plaque can cause decay or a possible infection later down the road. Humans’ teeth and jaws naturally age as we grow older. Age in addition to lifestyle habits can all result in missing teeth. At (company), our dentists strive to prevent any embarrassment and help to restore your beautiful smile. Naturally, we have many options to replace a missing tooth. Dentures are an effective way to restore not only your smile but also proper oral function.

Everything You Need To Know About Dentures

Dentures are an effective tool to replace teeth that are weak or missing. They are a prosthetic set of teeth supported by the gums and tissue in the mouth. Dentures help to fill gaps in the oral cavity where teeth are missing or need to be removed due to health reasons. Implants are permanent and attached to the bone, and dentures on the other hand are removable. Both partial dentures and full dentures are available. There are even specialty dentures that are a combination of an implant and dentures that offer a wider range of use. Consulting with an oral health professional is the best way to find out which type of denture is suitable for your lifestyle.

Why Do People Use Dentures?

It is common for older patients to be fitted with dentures, though people of any age may benefit from this type of prosthetic. A traumatic injury, poor oral hygiene, health complications, or weak teeth can all be causes for tooth loss that can be corrected with dentures. One of the most common causes of tooth loss is gum disease. If gum disease is not treated early, it can worsen until it develops into periodontal disease. This is a serious condition that leads to tooth loss, bone loss in the jaw, and even cardiovascular complications.

Various Types of Dentures On The Market

There are several types of dentures to choose from. Your dentist will evaluate your needs and help you choose the right one for your lifestyle. Some of the denture options available are listed below.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are used to replaces single teeth or smaller sets of teeth. Partial dentures are made of acrylic and ceramic that has been shaped to mimic the look and feel of natural teeth. These partial denture prosthetics are fixed in place with a clasp and can be removed for cleaning and maintenance.

Economy Dentures

The most common form of affordable dentures is economy dentures. They are the most affordable but not suggested for long term wear. Economy dentures can harm the gum tissue and also encourage poor oral hygiene.

Immediate Dentures

Sometimes a tooth needs to be removed but the area or the patient is not a good candidate for an implant. In this situation, a dental prosthetic called immediate dentures will be installed directly following the tooth removal. Over time, this denture will need to be adjusted as the other teeth adjust into a new alignment.


Patients who want the ease of use of dentures but are not interested in traditional implants can use overdentures. This type of oral prosthetic is a combination of a dental implant and dentures. An implant will be fitted into the bone of the jaw and then the overdentures will be attached directly to the implant.

Full Dentures

The most well-known type of denture is full dentures. This type is intended for patients who have removed all of their natural teeth, or who plan to have all of their teeth removed. Complete dentures are most suited to those who are suffering from gum disease, have a medical condition that results in tooth loss, and those who suffer from week teeth or bones.

Removable Dentures VS Fixed Dentures

In addition to choosing between partial or full dentures, patients also have other options. Most dentures are removable, but there are fixed denture orthodontics as well. Removable dentures are easier to clean and can also be removed anytime they cause discomfort. They tend to be more affordable than fixed dentures and also help patients to maintain proper face couture and structure. Fixed dentures are also an efficient solution for tooth loss. They are more stable in the mouth which makes chewing and talking much easier. They also last longer, in the range of several years without much need for adjustment.

Implant-Supported Dentures VS Traditional Dentures

If you are willing to have all of your teeth removed or if you are dealing with serious tooth loss, traditional dentures are probably the best option. For those who think that dealing with removable dentures will be too complicated, overdentures are another option. This type of denture orthodontic is a mix of a dental implant and traditional dentures. Overdentures offer the jawbone support that can help prevent bone loss in addition to making the dentures more stable when worn. Because they are affixed to the gums with an implant, it also much easier to eat and speak than with traditional dentures.

Implant-supported dentures do require a patient to undergo oral surgery. If you have diabetes or other medical complications, over-dentures may not be the best option. Smokers are also not good candidates for implant-supported dentures due to the increased risk of tooth loss and bone loss caused by smoking. Implant-supported dentures are made from titanium which ensures they will last a lifetime.

Complete Dentures VS Partial Dentures

There are two main sets of dentures; full or partial. Both are effective ways to address tooth loss but they each also have their pros and cons. A dental professional will assess the current state of your teeth to determine which type will be most suitable for you. For those who are missing or need to remove only a few teeth, partial dentures are a great option They are cost-effective and easier to care for than other tooth replacements. For patients who have weak bones or other issues with their oral health, complete dentures may be a better option. Complete dentures are perfect for patients who need to have most or all of their teeth removed. They are more costly than partial dentures but offers a permanent solution for unsightly tooth loss.

Choosing The Correct Dentures To Fit Your Lifestyle

If you are missing teeth or suffering from other oral health issues, there is no reason you can’t have a beautiful smile. The caring dentist here at (company) will work with you to create a customized solution that fits your unique needs. Give us a call or fill out our form below to schedule a no-obligation consultation for your perfect set of dentures today!



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