Tel Aviv’s Premier Dentistry and Orthodontics Clinic

Dental Contouring In Tel Aviv

Dental Contouring is a procedure that is often used to improve some small imperfections on your teeth. It is an easy, painless, and cheap intervention, that can improve those little problems on your teeth that are bothering you. The important rule is that teeth need to be healthy and strong, so we can just improve their looks. Visit us in Tel Aviv and we will examine your teeth and find out what is that we need to do to give you the smile you want.

How is this procedure of dental contouring done?

After the examination of your teeth, we also need to do an X-ray so we can be sure that your teeth are healthy. After that, we will determine where we need to do dental contouring. With some small dental drills and abrasive instruments, we will remove just a small amount of enamel. This part of the tooth can be removed without you having any problems with it in the future. Enamel is on the surface of the tooth and doesn’t have nerves, so everything will be painless for you.

What can we improve with dental contouring?

Since this is a cosmetic procedure, our goal is to make your teeth look more beautiful. Imperfections that can be fixed with this kind of procedure are:

-chipped tooth

-teeth that are overlapping

-teeth with different length

-teeth that are unevenly worn out.

In case when teeth are overlapping, there is a risk that bacteria will stay between teeth. This could cause the inflammation of your gums. Because of that, contouring will help you maintain better oral hygiene.

In case you are having your braces on your teeth, the dentist can also perform dental contouring, this can help teeth to arrange better and to form a perfect arch.

Call us in Tell Aviv and find out if you are a candidate for dental contouring. We will help you achieve a smile that you have always wanted.



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